Saturday, August 19, 2006

my being a roll a rock song

hillo all the sexy girls and all the cool dudes in the mespace dot cum.

i am being in the gas station in all the day and i being thinking by the sexy girl the hillery doft. i am being sexy feeling and i am being thinking i am making a roll a rock song a by the sexy girl the hillery dooft. i be siging it now

the hillery douft
the hillery dooft
the hiller duuft

sexy american girl

i am being in the gas station
in the baltimore
i am being waiting
i not being anymore

sexy american girl

i am being looking on the laptop
i am being in the mespace
i am being telephone the cop
the mugger he steal the place

hillery dufft
hillery doupf
hillary duft

sexy american girl

that is being me roll a rock song beiing the sexy american girl the hillery duft. you be liking we make a record. i am being the singing and you am being music.